Social Recruiting with Facebook

Increase the reach of your job advertisements with Facebook and Instagram (Meta)

Are you looking for staff for your clinic or hospital, offering jobs for doctors, nurses, or other healthcare professionals? The challenge: your target audience is nearly fully employed, and traditional job ads are no longer being noticed. Now is the time to present your opportunities to the right professionals (who may be passively looking) in a high-attention environment – such as on Facebook and Instagram, two well-established social media platforms from Meta, which, alongside LinkedIn, Xing, X, YouTube, and TikTok, still play a significant role for certain professional groups.


MedicalTalentNetwork supports your recruitment on Facebook and Instagram (Meta)

With our Meta JobAd campaigns, you can harness the reach offered by the Facebook communities of MedicalTopJob® and MedicalTalentNetwork on both Facebook and Instagram! With our Meta JobAd campaigns, your job or employer branding ads achieve targeted, qualified reach – tailored to your audience – which can be many times greater than traditional job ads, depending on your budget.


The advantage: your potential candidates don’t need to actively visit an online job market; instead, your offers – whether job or branding ads – appear directly in their timeline, where their attention is high. This allows you to reach individuals who might not currently be looking to change jobs but will still notice your employer brand. Visibility and reach are key in the recruitment environment: with social media JobAds – regardless of the platform – you gain a significant competitive advantage!



Little effort for you - high visibility for your job offer

You send us your job offer, choose the amount of the advertising budget and duration, and our social media experts will advise you and arrange everything else.

To help you find the right product for your job posting, you can compare at a glance here. Or contact our consultants who will be happy to assist you with your selection.


Sponsored JobPost

Your job offer will be published as a post on® and advertised with a fixed budget for a selected period of time.


The contribution includes:

  • Teaser text for the job ad
  • Maximum of three hashtags
  • Picture with logo and claim
  • Call-to-action button with link (e.g. to the job advertisement, the career page or the application form)


Your job offer will be played out on 13 placement versions of Meta/Facebook.

Perfect for: Job providers with search engine optimized HTML job ads on their company career site.



Fee 490 €
+ Budget* ab 350 €
Price (zzgl. MwSt.) from 840 €


Request by email

Custom Audience JobAd

Your job offer will be advertised as an ad in the employment category with a certain budget for a selected period of time and played out on 13 placement platforms of Meta / Facebook


The ad contains:

  • Picture or video
  • Logo
  • Claim
  • Call-to-action button with link (e.g. to the job advertisement, the career page or the application form)


The target audience is created based on the Meta communities of MedicalTopJob® and MedicalTalentNetwork, achieving very high engagement rates depending on the attractiveness of the job offer.


Your custom audience JobAd will be displayed across up to 13 placement options on Facebook and Instagram.

Perfect for: employers who want to reach an audience with similar characteristics to the communities of MedicalTopJob® and MedicalTalentNetwork.


Fee 890 €
+ Budget* from 350 €
Price (zzgl. MwSt.) from 1.240 €


Request by email

Custom Audience   Infos zur Zielgruppe bei facebook


Based on an existing target audience, Facebook identifies additional users with matching characteristics.

The Custom Audience JobAd and Custom Audience Leads Ad are built upon the Facebook communities of MedicalTopJob® and MedicalTalentNetwork, which are interested in healthcare and employment topics. This results in the vast reach of these products, which, depending on the attractiveness of the offer and the budget used, can reach six-figure audiences.

Sponsored JobAd

Your job offer will be published as a post on® and advertised with a fixed budget for a selected period of time.


The contribution includes:

  • Teaser text for job ad
  • Maximum of three hashtags
  • Picture with logo and claim
  • Call-to-action button with link (e.g. to the job advertisement, the career page or the application form)


Your job offer will be played out on 13 Meta / Facebook placement platforms.

Even more reach through a search engine optimized HTML ad at MedicalTopJobs®



Fee  690 €
+ Budget* from 350 €
Price (zzgl. MwSt.) from 1.040 €


Request by email

Custom Audience Leads

Your job offer will be advertised as an ad in the employment category with a certain budget for a selected period of time and played out on 13 placement platforms of Meta / Facebook


The ad contains:

  • Picture or video
  • Logo
  • Claim
  • Call-to-action button with link to a questionnaire used to establish leads (contacts) to potential applicants m/f/d


This advertising format includes the publication of a customised contact form with targeted questions related to the job offer. The target audience is created based on the Meta communities of MedicalTopJob® and MedicalTalentNetwork, achieving very high response rates depending on the attractiveness of the job offer.

Your custom audience Leads Ad will be displayed across up to 13 placement options on Facebook and Instagram.

Perfect for: employers who want to offer their target audience a low-threshold way to get in touch.


Fee 1.290 €
+ Budget* from 350 €
Price (zzgl. MwSt.) from 1.640 €


Request by email

*Budget   Facebook Community für Stellenanzeigen nutzen


The budget is made up of the daily budget and the runtime. Here are our empirical values for optimal playout

  • Daily budget recommended minimum: 50 € / day
  • Runtime recommended period: 7 days


Both can be increased during the runtime if needed. For optimal use of your budget, Facebook uses algorithms to ensure that many suitable people interact with their ad.

Our Meta JobAds Products in Comparison

Our products for social recruiting campaigns on Facebook and Instagram (Meta) allow you to efficiently and in compliance with data protection regulations, target the right audiences with your job advertisements or employer branding ads.

Through the Facebook communities of MedicalTopJob® and MedicalTalentNetwork, your job advertisement reaches exactly those individuals who, based on Facebook’s algorithmic calculations, are likely to be interested in your job offer. The reach depends on both the relevance of the ad to the target audience and the budget allocated.

Our long-established communities consist of 40,000 followers working in healthcare professions, who have a strong interest in employment-related content. By strategically placing your job or branding ads within these communities, you maximise your employer brand's visibility, increase the reach of your job postings, and connect with candidates who are algorithmically likely to match your requirements.



Learn more about the service of MedicalTalentNetwork.


How does the MedicalTalentNetwork Recruiting team support you as a physician in the application process? Learn more

What services does MedicalTalentNetwork Recruiting offer to employers such as clinics, hospitals and rehab facilities in their recruitment efforts? Learn more

How does the MedicalTalentNetwork advertising team support employers on healthcare job advertising? Learn more


Are you looking for a job in Germany as a doctor or a nurse? Here you can find open positions in the healthcare sector:

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