Are you looking for staff for your clinic or hospital?

Vacancies in the medical field are sometimes difficult to fill, and there are fewer and fewer suitable applicants for job advertisements for doctors or nurses.

With Media Consult Maier + Partner GmbH you have a strong partner for your recruiting in the healthcare sector at your side.

For more than 30 years, we have been supporting clinics, hospitals and other healthcare facilities in their recruitment efforts. In the form of media consulting, job placement, active sourcing and headhunting.


Our services in the areas of



We search for the right candidates for you. You save the time-consuming and cost-intensive search. Quick contact to suitable candidates.



Applicants find jobs via job boards. Via their own career website. Thanks to social and mobile recruiting. With efficient applicant management.

Human Resources Marketing

Human Resources Marketing

Demonstrate attractiveness as an employer. Attract and retain employees.

Our offers in the field of personnel placement

Active Sourcing

You send your search request or your vacancy list in the medical field or nursing service to the team of MOG Ärztevermittlung. In the success-based recruitment process, our recruiting experts will introduce you to suitable candidates from our network.

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Your job posting becomes a differentiated search profile. Our recruiters m/f/d actively search for suitable candidates. The service includes pre-selection, background interviews and preparation and accompaniment of getting to know each other.

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Applicant Management

From the advertisement of the vacancy to the management of the applicants' data, the communication and finally the selection of the suitable person. This is how applicant management works with the MedicalTalentNetwork

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Hospitation: Efficient candidate filtering

Do you offer job shadowing at your clinic, hospital or other healthcare facility? You are virtually inundated with requests for job shadowing and the time required to sift through suitable candidates is enormous. We help you to save time in the selection process.

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Our offers in the area of recruiting

Post job offer on

Jobs for doctors, nurses, therapeutic staff and other jobs in the healthcare sector can be placed as responsive HTML ads with logo and colors of your company on

  • Search engine relevant keywording
  • Improved candidate experience, e.g. through job information at a glance
  • additional employer information per job advertisement
  • additional keywords by our SEO experts
  • Job ad incl. Open Graph features for easy sharing via messenger and social media
  • listed in the Google JobBox
  • 6 weeks runtime
  • Online applications directly into your application system on request
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Social Recruiting

High reach in the desired, defined target group thanks to Meta Job Ad. 

  • Job ad on Facebook, Instagram and all platforms at Meta
  • 30,000 followers of the channel from the medical and care sector as the basis for the target group calculation
  • Usually activity rate in the 3-digit range
  • 5 digit impressions
  • Post reach of a post in the Facebook timeline is up to 50,000
  • Pinpoint placement thanks to targeted advertising: e.g. with the right professional group in the desired region
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Mobile Recruiting

Time saving not only for you as a recruiter, but also for applicants. The Web App is a short application form in question-and-answer style: our digital tool for a fast application process.

Optimized for mobile devices.

High reach in social media.

  • Low-threshold application procedure
  • Reduced workload for recruiters: thanks to targeted pre-selection of questions
  • Independent of media and job market
  • no download necessary, directly accessible via link or QR code
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Media planning

The diversity of the media landscape and the evolution of the advertising world with new platforms constantly pose new challenges. With the help of our experts, we work together to create a plan tailored to your goal. We define the target group and marketing channels and choose which strategies to pursue based on your budget.

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Our offers in the area of personnel marketing

Job-Multiposting incl. Multi-Tracking

Target group-specific ad packages. Depending on the target group, it makes sense to increase the reach of a job ad. This can be achieved by combining different job boards. Our key account managers bring years of experience to the table and can advise you on your specific vacancy.

Your advantage: the evaluation of impressions, page views and conversions is processed and runs together in our MedicalTalentNetwork, where you can view and compare them.

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Employer Branding

We have a market situation in which applicants and our own employees have the choice of which employer they work for. In addition, the differences in benefits between individual hospitals and clinics or rehabilitation facilities are not particularly large. It is therefore important to create added value in order to retain existing employees and attract new ones.
You show this added value through the messages of your employer brand. Proudly display your corporate values to the outside world, show satisfied employees, increase the internal loyalty of existing staff and thereby become attractive to applicants. We show you how.

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Request a consultation appointment

Sonja Luise Maier
+49 721 83147-50
sonja.maier[ at ]

Beatrice Hildebrand

Beatrice Hildebrand
Senior Consultant
+49 721 83147-10
beatrice.hildebrand[ at ]


Schila Rasooli
Key Account Manager
& Recruiting
+49 721 83147-55
schila.rasooli[ at ] 

Kostas Palaiologos
Senior Key Account Manager
+49 721 83147-20
kostas.palaiologos[ at ]


MCM · Media Consult Maier + Partner GmbH ist eine auf das Gesundheitswesen spezialisierte Agentur für Personalmarketing, Personalvermittlung, Recruiting und Employerbranding.


Unsere Dienstleistungen sind im MedialTalentNetwork gebündelt und verfolgen das Ziel, Sie mit zukunftsorientierten Dienstleistungen im Recruiting zu unterstützen.


Dazu gehören der Einsatz von Machine-Learning Tools, KI-gestützte Anwendungen und DSGVO-konforme Datenanalysen.


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