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MOG Ärztevermittlung Success Story:

Bulgarian radiologist receives license to practice in North Rhine-Westphalia

This is roughly what it looks like at Ms. Ganeva's* workplace: The 36-year-old Bulgarian is a radiology resident who loves imaging. "It's an obsession," she says during our interview. "I love the combination of clinical questions and diagnostic imaging." After medical school, she completed her residency in a variety of radiology departments. In 2005, she received her license to practice medicine. Ms. Ganeva wanted to broaden her horizons, wanted to know how radiology is organized in other countries. She managed to get an internship at a hospital in Edinburgh. A colleague there finally gave her the idea of going to Germany, since medical training in Germany has a very good reputation. "There was only one small detail missing: I didn't know German," she quips today in fluent German. The bundle of energy settled in North Rhine-Westphalia, studied books, read a lot and attended various language courses. In retrospect, however, she says: "For me, the language courses were lost time. I was better able to learn the technical language needed for daily work from the books. But it's a question of diligence. You have to practice the terms until you never forget them. I repeated 3 to 5 times every day, I really wanted to get this done, to get my license to practice here."
In late summer 2014, she finally registered for the patient communication test and prepared the application for the license to practice medicine; after all, you need a whole lot of forms in NRW, too. "It's already a big advantage in this if you're an EU citizen," she says. And then it happened: Ms. Ganeva did not pass the patient communication test. 30% of all foreign doctors fail the exam the first time. "You know, I was already depressed, but you can't get discouraged. I always wondered what the problem was, because the actress who played the patient had understood me. Why I didn't pass? I just didn't know what they wanted, what the examiners were looking for. I read a lot about this on the Internet, and there is a lot of exaggeration about the patient communication test, so you can't be discouraged by that. A colleague then gave me the tip to read the book ' German for doctors'."

The patient communication test consists of three parts: First, there is a simulated patient interview with an actor or actress. Then, the examinee must make a diagnosis and suggest a therapy to the attending physician, also an actor. Finally, the patient must be told what complications may occur. In addition, the medical history sheet must be written. 20 minutes are allotted for each part of the exam, i.e. for the patient interview, for the medical history sheet and for the medical interview with the senior physician. "Actually, they just want to see that the patient understands the doctor and that the doctor can lead the conversation, because patients sometimes tell a lot, so you have to be able to direct the communication. And of course: there are many medical formulations, abbreviations and fixed phrases that are common here in Germany, you just have to learn them. You have to master that, otherwise you won't pass this test."

On the second try, it worked out. "In retrospect, I have to say, there is much ado about nothing in this patient communication test," Ms. Ganeva notes in summary. "It's all a matter of diligence. The worst part was actually the money. The test costs 300 euros each time. In Austria, it's even 800 euros!"

1. Now you have found a good job, after all. What do you expect now, they have then a dream, a clinic where you would like to work one day?


Mrs. Ganeva: Oh, there you should not be so demanding. Best to start somewhere and then you can see. At the moment, anyway, I'm happy with the job I have.

2. How was your experience with MedicalOnboarding Germany?

Mrs. Ganeva: The cooperation was perfect, I was very satisfied. Especially I would like to thank Mrs. Neumann, she was always polite and very helpful.

All the best for your future wishes the entire MOG team!


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