Post a job
Make your choice here between a single posting on MedicalTopJobs®, a social media campaign, or a multiposting option via MedicalTopJobs® Plus:
The online job market with added value through social media and SEO. Features include
Responsive HTML ads
Keyword optimisation by our SEO team
Listing in the Google Job Box
Job information at a glance
Additional employer details, such as benefits
Open Graph function for sharing on social media
6-week duration
Online applications directly into your ATS
Social Media-Campaigns
Job ads as JobAds on Meta and other social media platforms. Features include:
Algorithm-driven detailed targeting
Brand awareness through high reach
Rapid distribution of your job ads
Interactive content and lead generation
Real-time feedback from your target audience
Success measurement through insight tools
Cost control and efficiency
Use of videos, slideshows, and audio files
MedicalTopJobs® Plus
Multiposting starter package with high reach and substantial discounts. Features include:
Basic listing on MedicalTopJobs®
14 high-reach distribution portals, including
Job boards like Indeed or
Business platforms like LinkedIn or Xing
Social media platforms like Facebook/Instagram
Selection from 50 specialist portals, including, myDrg, PsychJobs (Hogrefe)
Portals of medical professional associations
* All prices excl. VAT
MedicalTopJobs® Flow - the job market with social recruiting added value!
1. Your job offers...
... appear at MedicalTopJobs® keyworded as HTML ads with high Google relevance. Online applications from interested candidates are forwarded directly to your internal applicant system on request. Via an interface/feed it is possible to publish the advertisements of your internal job market directly at MedicalTopJobs®.
2. Your social media range
... is increased many times over through placement on medicaltopjobs/facebook. The post reach of a single post in the Facebook timeline is up to 40,000. With targeted advertising, we can place your advertisement with pinpoint accuracy: e.g. with the right professional group and in the desired region.
3. Promote your employer brand
... and publish editorial articles, e.g. on innovative working time models, childcare offers, company healthcare or interesting further training offers in the career blog, independently of placing an ad:

Medicaltopjobs is a cross-channel recruiting platform specialized in healthcare. Unique selling points are a very high reach via our social media channels and Europe-wide target group connectivity. We secure the attention of qualified candidates for your vacancies and your employer branding with active job spreading and intelligent targeting.
With the interconnection to our social recruiting channels at Facebook and Twitter and mobile applications such as WebApp you gain additional attention for your job advertisements.
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