MedicalTalentPool: your personal profile
As a doctor, you can register your profile and information in the MedicalTalentNetwork at any time, free of charge.
If you hold a valid professional permit or medical license (Approbation), our recruiting team will review your career history with you and provide tailored job suggestions that align with your preferences and aspirations.
If you do not yet have a professional permit and have not applied for one, we offer comprehensive information on the recognition process free of charge and create a tailored, GDPR-compliant profile in our MedicalTalentPool based on your application details. Your anonymized personal profile is securely stored in the MedicalTalentPool, accessible only to potential employers within the medical field who may contact you directly, for instance, to offer you an observership opportunity.
You are welcome to review the offers but are under no obligation to accept them. We regularly update our extensive network of healthcare employers about new profiles, enhancing your chances of securing an observership and eventually obtaining your professional permit.
We place the utmost importance on protecting your personal data. You can, at any time, inquire using your unique ID number about which details related to your professional qualifications are stored in the MedicalTalentPool. You are also free to delete your data without providing any reason by simply emailing
You can submit your application here: