Practical applications of AI in job advertisements

Digital recruitment, also known as e-recruiting, has already established itself in the healthcare sector—a field characterized by a growing demand for qualified professionals, limited resources, and complex workflows. In a highly competitive environment, it remains crucial to employ innovative approaches in talent management to attract suitable candidates, for example, through particularly appealing job offers. In this context, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly important, such as through language and text-based chatbots like ChatGPT or AI image generators like Midjourney.

Pic of a nursing team created by AI-tools


AI optimization potential for job advertisements: targeting and SEO

Many standard workflows can be delegated to AI tools with minimal effort. For instance, optimizing or generating job advertisement texts with AI enables a more precise and efficient candidate outreach, as the specific requirements and qualifications in the healthcare sector can be considered to the fullest extent. By analyzing large volumes of data, AI identifies relevant keywords and crafts engaging texts that align with the needs of the target audience, thereby drawing more attention to the job advertisement.


An unbeatable team: human expertise and AI tools

The collaboration between the recruiting team and AI creates a synergy that optimally leverages the strengths of both sides. First, the HR department defines the basic requirements and qualifications for the position to be filled, as well as the cultural and organizational aspects of the company that should be conveyed in the text. Based on this information, the AI examines relevant data sources to gather information on comparable job offers, industry standards, and successful phrasing.

The AI then analyzes this data, identifies keywords and phrases relevant to the job advertisement, and suggests various wording options. The HR department reviews these suggestions and adjusts them if necessary to ensure that the text reflects the desired tone, company culture, and job requirements.

Throughout this iterative process, the HR team and AI work hand in hand to achieve an optimal result. By combining human creativity, experience, and judgment with the analytical power and efficiency of AI, a job advertisement is created that not only attracts the right candidates but also reflects the values and vision of the hospital. In this way, applicants are provided with differentiated and relevant information from the very beginning, enhancing the candidate experience.


Visual content for job advertisements: AI as a solution

Many HR departments face the challenge of finding appealing visual content for their job advertisements. The trend to present oneself authentically as an employer and use one’s own teams as testimonials in job ads often proves to be a complex process with several pitfalls. Photoshoots take time and can disrupt daily work routines. Legal issues need to be clarified, as employees have rights to their images, and their usage must be contractually regulated. There is also the question of how to handle visual material if employees leave the company.


The alternative to authentic photos of one's own staff is stock photos. These offer ready-made images of people in various scenarios. However, searching for the right visual material in different stock archives can be time-consuming and unsatisfactory. It is particularly frustrating when competitors use the same images or when such photos appear in completely different contexts, such as on health insurance flyers.


An innovative solution is the generation of custom visual content through AI. The advantages are numerous: any desired motif can be created and "designed" to fit the job advertisement, the company, and the target audience precisely. This not only saves time and costs by eliminating the need for a tedious search for suitable visual material and corresponding credits, but it also enables a personalized and targeted approach to potential applicants.


Our support for AI-generated job advertisements: MTN JobAID

Soon, we will offer you a suitable interface for ordering AI-generated job advertisements. If you would like to test the MTN JobAID service in advance, simply send us:

  • Your job title
  • A link to your website
  • A brief description of what kind of image motif you have in mind


We will then create a proposal for an AI-generated job advertisement. This service is free of charge in connection with the booking of a MedicalTopJobs® listing.

Request by email