GDPR-compliant solutions in data analysis with MTN Insights:

An essential tool for HR controlling.



Started applications or high drop-off rates?

When posting job adverts, it’s often unclear afterwards how much traffic they received, which links were clicked most frequently, and at what point a candidate abandoned the application process. Candidates often leave a site when they are required to enter personal data, fearing that they may be bombarded with numerous, and perhaps irrelevant, job offers, or when they encounter an overly complicated application form and decide not to complete it. Many job portals now label these abandoned processes as "started applications" and even charge for the clicks generated. However, this is ultimately a drop-off rate, which indicates that either the wrong target group was addressed, or the user experience declined due to a complex application form. In any case, the cost per hire increases, and it’s time for HR and recruitment controlling to reflect on how to improve target group affinity and user experience.


Gain valid KPIs through systematic data analysis

An important KPI in recruitment is the Cost-per-Hire (CPH). CPH represents the ratio of internal and external recruitment costs during the hiring process to the number of positions filled.
CPH = (internal recruitment costs + external recruitment costs) / (number of filled positions)
Over time, it becomes clear which portals are actually effective for certain professional groups. We have found that there are significant variations, often due to multifactorial causes. Even portals claiming to be generalists for all profiles can be precisely debunked through data analysis, which reveals the number of unqualified or completely abandoned applications.

Some portals may provide impressive metrics regarding their overall reach, click rates, and impressions. However, these figures are not necessarily indicative of a job advert’s success: success is ultimately measured by how many qualified applications were received and how many of those resulted in actual hires – a so-called conversion. GDPR-compliant solutions in data analysis, tailored to your recruitment strategy, offer significant benefits, especially when it comes to tracking and analysing traffic statistics for job adverts.


The Key Advantages of GDPR-compliant Data Analysis


1. Better Targeting

  • Demographic Analysis: By analysing the origin and characteristics of visitors to your job postings, you can better understand your target audience and create more tailored, age-specific adverts.
  • Optimisation of Job Advert Texts: Precise data analysis provides insights into which advert texts and keywords perform best. A/B testing can be used to adjust and improve the content of your adverts.


2. Increased Efficiency

  • Channel Optimisation: Identify which job portals and channels generate the highest quantity and quality of traffic through systematic data analysis, allowing you to use your resources more efficiently.
  • Budget Allocation: Optimally allocate your recruitment budget to the channels that offer the lowest cost-per-hire.


3. Process Improvement

  • Targeted Advertising: Adjust your advertising strategies to the preferences and behaviour of your target audience to minimise wasted coverage.
  • Faster Decision-making: Use real-time data to respond quickly to market changes or underperforming adverts.


4. Transparency and Traceability

  • Detailed Reporting: Receive detailed reports on traffic statistics, click numbers, and applications to make the success of each job advert traceable. Your HR controlling team will appreciate it.
  • Benchmarking: Compare the performance of your adverts against industry standards or previous campaigns to identify areas for improvement.


5. Compliance and Data Protection

  • GDPR Compliance: With MTNInsights, you ensure that all collected data complies with data protection regulations, minimising legal risks and gaining the trust of applicants.
  • Data Security: A tailored solution ensures that all personal data is securely stored and processed.


6. Improved Applicant Quality

  • Qualitative Analysis: Track not only the quantity but also the quality of applications to ensure you reach the best talent.
  • Segmented Targeting: Use insights from data analysis to develop targeted campaigns for specific audience groups.


7. Long-term Planning

  • Trend Analysis: Identify long-term trends in your data – with the help of our AI support – to better plan future recruitment strategies.
  • Strategic Decision-making: Base your strategic decisions on solid data analysis and trends to gain a competitive advantage.



By implementing a tailored, GDPR-compliant data analysis technology like MTN Insights, you can make your entire recruitment process more efficient and effective, draw valid conclusions, and adapt your hiring strategy accordingly. You can improve the quality of applicants while ensuring legal compliance. This leads to better results and strengthens your company’s position in the competition for talent.


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